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Hot Bird 13F (13.0°E) Transponder 157

Posizione orbitale Satellite Norad .ini News canali Solo in chiaro Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Ultimo aggiornamento
13.0°E Hot Bird 13F 54048 737 236 13.05°E -0.07° 0.07° N/A N/A 2024-10-06 16:59
13.0°E Hot Bird 13G 54225 811 387 13.04°E -0.05° 0.06° N/A N/A 2024-10-09 02:35
13.0°E Hot Bird 13E 28946 1 1 12.81°E 0.49° 0.49° N/A N/A 2024-07-22 20:16

Ordinati per: Codifica: Modalità di visualizzazione:

18 record - Ordinati per frequenza - Gli aggiornamenti più recenti: CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
13.0°E 18Hot Bird 13F 11642.00H157WideDVB-S28PSK27500 3/461.3 Mb/s 31815700 KingOfSat charts update form
Simaye Azadi HD non definito General M-Three Satcom In chiaro - FTA 1306 1791 1792
1790  1791    2023-09-11 +
RTL 102.5 TV HD Italia Intrattenimento M-Three satcom In chiaro - FTA 1307 1801 1802 ita  1800  1801    2023-09-11 +
Radio Freccia HD Italia Intrattenimento M-Three satcom In chiaro - FTA 1308 1811 1812 ita  1810  1811    2023-09-11 +
Radionorba TV Italia Music Telenorba In chiaro - FTA 1311 1841 1842 ita  1840  1841    2023-09-11 +
Eutelsat Promo Francia Presentations Eutelsat In chiaro - FTA 1316 1891 1892 eng  1890  1891    2023-09-11 +
Daystar HD U.S.A. Religious Sky Digital In chiaro - FTA 1318 1911 1912 eng  1910  1911    2023-09-11 +
Zeta TV HD Italia Intrattenimento M-Three satcom In chiaro - FTA 1321 1941 1942 ita  1940  1941    2023-09-11 +
RTL 102.5 Radio Doc Italia Intrattenimento M-Three satcom In chiaro - FTA 1323 1961 1962 ita  1960  1961    2023-09-11 +
Super! Italia Children Sky Italia
Nagravision 3
1327 2001 2002 ita
2003 eng 
2000  2001    2023-09-11 +
People TV Italia Cultural M-Three Satcom In chiaro - FTA 1328 1741 1742 ita  1740  1741    2023-09-11 +
La C sat Italia Various M-Three Satcom In chiaro - FTA 1329 1711 1712  1710  1711    2024-03-21 +
Gold TV Italia Italia Teleshopping M-Three Satcom In chiaro - FTA 1332 2031 2032 ita  2030  2031    2023-09-11 +
ER24 Italia News M-Three Satcom In chiaro - FTA 1333 2041 2042 ita  2040  2041    2023-09-11 +
Well TV Italia Various M-Three Satcom In chiaro - FTA 1335 2061 2062  2060  2061    2024-10-04 +
WeDo TV Italia Presentations Amtecco In chiaro - FTA 1337 2081 2082 aac ita  2080  2081    2023-10-04 +
Vilayet TV non definito Religious M-Three Satcom In chiaro - FTA 1338 2091 2092 ara  2090  2091    2023-11-06 +
Baby TV Regno Unito Children Orange Polska
Platforma Canal+
Mediaguard 3
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 2.5
Viaccess 2.6
Viaccess 3.0
Viaccess 4.0
Viaccess 6.0
1339 3001 3002 ger
3003 eng
3004 fra
3005 ned
3006 tur
3007 pol
3008 esp
3009 por
3010 gre
3011 ita 
3000  3001  3012  2024-04-19 +
RVS-Accendi la Speranza M-Three Satcom Srl In chiaro - FTA 1330   2011 ita  2010  2011    2023-09-11

Detailed transponder stream properties (11642.00 H)

SID Ident. PID Format Colorimetry Width Height Aspect Ratio Frame rate
Sampling rate
Bitrate mode Bitrate Scan type Ultimo aggiornamento
1306 1791 AVC 4, High 4:2:0 1920 1080 1.778 25.000 FPS Interlaced 2024-10-09
1306 1792 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 128000 2024-10-09
1306 1793 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 128000 2024-10-09
1307 1801 AVC 4, High 4:2:0 1920 1080 1.778 25.000 FPS MBAFF 2024-10-09
1307 1802 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2024-10-09
1308 1811 AVC 4, High 4:2:0 1920 1080 1.778 25.000 FPS MBAFF 2024-10-09
1308 1812 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2024-10-09
1311 1841 AVC 4, High 4:2:0 1920 1080 1.778 25.000 FPS Interlaced 2024-10-09
1311 1842 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 384000 2024-10-09
1316 1891 AVC 4, High 4:2:0 1920 1080 1.778 25.000 FPS CBR MBAFF 2024-10-09
1316 1892 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 128000 2024-10-09
1318 1911 AVC 4, High 4:2:0 1920 1080 1.778 25.000 FPS MBAFF 2024-10-09
1318 1912 AC-32 channels
Front: L R
48000 CBR 192000 2024-10-09
1321 1941 AVC 4, High 4:2:0 1920 1080 1.778 25.000 FPS MBAFF 2024-10-09
1321 1942 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2024-10-09
1323 1961 AVC 4, Main 4:2:0 1440 1080 1.778 25.000 FPS MBAFF 2024-10-09
1323 1962 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 256000 2024-10-09
1327 2001 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-09
1327 2002 MPEG Audio 2024-10-09
1327 2003 MPEG Audio 2024-10-09
1328 1741 AVC 3.1, High 4:2:0 1280 720 1.778 25.000 FPS Progressive 2024-10-09
1328 1742 MPEG Audio, Layer 21 channel 48000 CBR 64000 2024-10-09
1329 1711 AVC 3, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.818 25.000 FPS Interlaced 2024-10-09
1329 1712 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 96000 2024-10-09
1330 2011 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 128000 2024-10-09
1332 2031 AVC 3.1, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.818 25.000 FPS MBAFF 2024-10-09
1332 2032 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 64000 2024-10-09
1333 2041 AVC 3, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 FPS MBAFF 2024-10-09
1333 2042 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 128000 2024-10-09
1335 2061 AVC 3, High 4:2:0 544 576 1.832 25.000 FPS MBAFF 2024-10-09
1335 2062 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 64000 2024-10-09
1337 2081 AVC 3.2, Main 4:2:0 1024 576 1.778 25.000 FPS CBR Progressive 2024-10-09
1337 2082 AACADTS2 channels
Front: L R
48000 VBR 2024-10-09
1338 2091 AVC 3.1, Main 4:2:0 1280 720 1.778 25.000 FPS CBR Progressive 2024-10-09
1338 2092 AACADTS2 channels
Front: L R
48000 VBR 2024-10-09
1339 3001 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-09
1339 3002 MPEG Audio 2024-10-09
1339 3003 MPEG Audio 2024-10-09
1339 3004 MPEG Audio 2024-10-09
1339 3005 MPEG Audio 2024-10-09
1339 3006 MPEG Audio 2024-10-09
1339 3007 MPEG Audio 2024-10-09
1339 3008 MPEG Audio, Layer 21 channel 48000 CBR 64000 2024-10-09
1339 3009 MPEG Audio, Layer 21 channel 48000 CBR 64000 2024-10-09
1339 3010 MPEG Audio, Layer 21 channel 48000 CBR 64000 2024-10-09
1339 3011 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 160000 2024-10-09
1339 3012 Teletext Subtitle 2024-10-09

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