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Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) Transponder F02

Posizione orbitale Satellite Norad .ini News canali Solo in chiaro Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Ultimo aggiornamento
16.0°E Eutelsat 16A 37836 763 232 16.1°E -0.06° 0.07° N/A N/A 2024-12-02 21:48

Ordinati per: Codifica: Modalità di visualizzazione:

17 record - Ordinati per frequenza - Gli aggiornamenti più recenti: CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
16.0°E 7Eutelsat 16A 12517.22VF02Europe BDVB-S2QPSK19368 2/3Protv, 25 Mb/s 55212 KingOfSat charts update form
Pro TV Romania General PROTV Conax 7601 2011 2012 rom  2010  2011    2021-02-25 +
Acasá TV Romania General ProTV Conax 7602 2021 2022 rom  2020  2021    2022-04-04 +
Pro TV International
Romania General ProTV In chiaro - FTA 7603 2031 2032 rom  2030  2031    2021-02-25 +
Pro Cinema
Romania Movies ProTV Conax 7604 2041 2042 rom  2040  2041    2021-02-25 +
Pro Arena Romania Sport ProTV Conax 7605 2051 2052 rom  2050  2051    2022-04-04 +
Acasa TV Gold Romania General ProTV Conax 7607 2071 2072 rom  2070  2071    2022-04-18 +
TEST HD PROTV Conax 7610 2061 2062 rom
2063 rom 
2060  2061  2065  2023-11-29
16.0°E 6Eutelsat 16A 12537.00VF02Europe BDVB-S2
PLS: Gold+210115
Stream 3
13910 3/4NURTS Digital, 19.9 Mb/s 82925300 KingOfSat charts update form
BTV Bulgaria Bulgaria General In chiaro - FTA 2 5152 5153 bul  5151  5152    2024-08-22 +
Nova TV Bulgaria General NOVA Broadcasting Group In chiaro - FTA 3 5162 5163 bul
5164 eng 
5161  5162    2024-08-22 +
BNT 1 Bulgaria General In chiaro - FTA 4 5172 5173 bul  5171  5172    2024-08-22 +
BNT 2 Bulgaria General In chiaro - FTA 5 5182 5183 bul  5181  5182    2024-08-22 +
BNT 3 Bulgaria General In chiaro - FTA 6 5342 5343 bul  5341  5342    2024-08-22 +
Bulgaria On Air Bulgaria Business In chiaro - FTA 8 5332 5333 bul  5331  5332    2024-08-22 +
16.0°E Eutelsat 16A 12548.00VF02Europe BDVB-SQPSK3617 3/4DoganMedia, 15.7 Mb/s 11 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-10-31)
16.0°E Eutelsat 16A 12551.00VF02Europe BDVB-S28PSK7200 3/413.8 Mb/s 652801 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2024-11-02)
16.0°E 2Eutelsat 16A 12567.35VF02Europe BDVB-S2QPSK16664 2/321.5 Mb/s 3300 KingOfSat charts update form
Nome Paese Categoria Bouquet Codifica SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Ultimo aggiornamento

Credo TV Romania Religious Djemba ITC In chiaro - FTA 15 1500 1510 rom  7015  1500    2021-06-16 +
Alfa Omega TV Romania Regional Djemba IT C In chiaro - FTA 16 1600 1610 eng  7016  1600    2024-06-04 +

Detailed transponder stream properties (12567.35 V)

SID Ident. PID Format Colorimetry Width Height Aspect Ratio Frame rate
Sampling rate
Bitrate mode Bitrate Scan type Ultimo aggiornamento
15 1500 AVC 4, Main 4:2:0 1280 720 1.778 50.000 FPS Progressive 2024-06-20
15 1510 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 256000 2024-06-20
16 1600 AVC 4.1, High 4:2:0 1280 720 1.778 50.000 FPS Progressive 2024-06-20
16 1610 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 256000 2024-06-20

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